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X4: Foundations Collector's Edition Content Activation Code [crack]


About This Content The X Universe Digital Artbook 2018: Enjoy the concept art behind the X universe.X Novel: Nopileos by Helge Kautz as English and German eBook.Digital Soundtrack: Download the music, including exclusive versions of the trailer and teaser music in highest possible quality.Access to the first two expansions for X4: Foundations. First expansion planned to be released in 2019 Second expansion planned to be released laterThe bonus content will be placed in your X4 installation folder:...Steam\SteamApps\common\X4 Foundations\Bonus Content 6d5b4406ea Title: X4: Foundations Collector's Edition ContentGenre: Action, SimulationDeveloper:EgosoftPublisher:EgosoftFranchise:X FranchiseRelease Date: 30 Nov, 2018 X4: Foundations Collector's Edition Content Activation Code [crack] x4 foundations collector's edition content This is a review of the BONUS content, not the game. I grabbed the Collector's Edition on sale for just over 20 bucks. My biggest motivation was getting the first two expansion packs for what will just over 10 bucks each. I'm sure each will retail for 19.99 or 29.99 USD each. Good little savings considering I'm an X fan who will want the expansions the day they come out! As a bonus, you also get a sound track (41 mp3 files), a novel based in the X Universe (Nopileos) in Adobe format, and a 100 page concept art book with drawings ranging the entire series (I quite enjoyed). All in all I'm pretty happy with my purchase. Obviously, the biggest value to this content is access to the first two expansion packs (and supporting the DEVs at Egosoft). So, if you love X4 pick this up (especially on sale) for sweet savings and immediate access to the DLCs as they release.. Love this game. Keep up the good work.. An inferior game to the X3 series in almost every respect. It has a mobile phone quality equipment list for the few ships available, combat is almost non existent, trading is flawed to the point automating it achieves practically nothing without mods, there are very few missions in the game period and then despite this game having fully half the race count (and far fewer ship designs per) they have the nerve to charge money for adding one back in as dlc.An Alpha quality game sold as finished.


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